Which foods contain folate?

Many foods are naturally rich in folate, but folate dissolves in water and is easily destroyed by cooking. It is best to lightly cook vegetables or eat them raw. Microwave or steam cooking is best.

The following are good sources of natural folate:

Vegetables (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, English spinach, green beans, lettuce, mushrooms, parsnip, sweet corn, zucchini);
fruit (avocado, grapefruit, oranges, berries, bananas);
legumes (chickpeas, soya beans, lima beans, red kidney beans, lentils, haricot beans);
juices (many apple and orange juices);
In Many countries, all flour used for making bread (except organic bread), rolls, bagels, English muffins and flat breads made with yeast must contain folic acid. It can also be found in some breakfast cereals.

Three slices of bread (100g) contains an average of 120 micrograms of folic acid.

You can check the food label of any bread product made in many countries to check if it contains folic acid (sometimes listed as folate) in the ingredients.
Which foods contain folate
We recommend you to supplement better folate:
Magnafolate® L Methylfolate(active folate)—maximizes the supplementation delivering a "finished" folate the body can immediately use without any kind of metabolization.
It can better supplement the folate that the body lacks.

Jinkang Pharma ,the Manufacturer & Supplier of L Methylfolate.
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