Mangafolate is safer for humans than folia acid

Many foods naturally rich in folates are consumed in amounts that are insufficient to meet the recommended dietary folate intake levels, L-5-MTHF calcium improves folate status and prevents adverse effects associated with folate deficiency, the safety of L-5-MTHF-Ca has been established for the intended use in infant formula, food fortification and dietary supplements. Dietary supplementation with L-5-MTHF-Ca has several advantages over folic acid. As the predominant naturally present form of folate in food, serum and breast milk, ingested L-5-MTHF-Ca requires only needs to dissociate into L-5-MTHF ions during absorption and then it can directly enter the circulation, whereas folic acid does not occur naturally in foods in significant amounts and before being used must first be converted to L-5-MTHF in several enzymatic steps. The physiological capacity of the enzymes involved are exceeded when folic acid is ingested at concentrations >400 μg/d resulting in exposure to unmetabolized folic acid through plasma and breast milk which may have negative effects.
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