Dosage and safety of methylfolate-Magnafolate

Increasing folate through natural sources like foods is generally safe. However, supplementing with high doses of folic acid has been associated with adverse side effects.

Side effects of excess folic acid include masking a B12 deficiency, compromised immune function, and increased prostate cancer risk. Nevertheless, toxicity is rare. That’s because your body readily removes excess folate, as it’s a water-soluble vitamin.

The tolerable upper limit (UL) of this vitamin, or the highest dose unlikely to cause adverse effects, is 1,000 mcg per day. However, only synthetic forms of folate like folic acid have a UL, as there have been no reported adverse effects from a high intake of folate-rich foods.

It’s also worth noting that most people meet their daily folate requirements, so taking a supplement isn’t always necessary.
dosage and safety of methylfolate
For example, on average, men consume 602 mcg DFE (dietary folate equivalent) daily, which is greater than the daily intake requirement of 400 mcg DFE.

That said, taking a supplement can be a convenient way for some people to meet their daily requirements. This is especially true for people at risk of a deficiency, including older adults.

Folic acid supplements come in many forms, such as a stand-alone nutrient or component of a multivitamin or B-complex vitamin, as well as in combination with other specific vitamins. They typically provide 680–1,360 mcg DFE, equaling 400–800 mcg of folic acid.

Do not exceed the UL of 1,000 mcg per day unless advised to do so by your healthcare provider — for example, to combat a folate deficiency.

Magnafolate® ,the Manufacturers & Supplier of active folate.

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